

This project aims to study the additive manufacturing of thin objects (< 5 cm), in the fields of health, sport and body comfort: orthoses, soles, protections, and any element of the “plate” type with a low relief brought to deform in a targeted way and/or to guide a deformation. We wish both to extend the fields of application of passive structures (classic 3D printing) but also to explore, in the same application context, the manufacture of active devices, giving the ability for objects to react to their environment.  

This exploratory project involves the Institut Jean Lamour (IJL), the Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications (LORIA), the Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés (LRGP), the Research Team on Innovative Processes (ERPI), the Institut Régional de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation de Nancy (IRR) and the CHU de Nancy. The official website can be found here.

Project manager

Jean-Baptiste Austruy


  • Sylvain Lefebvre
  • Thibault Tricard
  • Pierre-Alexandre Hugron